Thursday, July 07, 2005

From princess to mrs.

The sudden obsession with royalty and weddings in my blog is purely out of ordinary boredom. Being a commoner just feels so much better when you’re an outsider and you don’t have to content with all that “royaltyism.” From my previous post about Monaco’s Prince Albert, today we turn to Japan where female members of the royalty are always on the losing end. Take Masako for instance, she’s probably suffering from depression as the pressure to produce an heir continues to loom. Poor gal – it’s not her fault! On another note, the daughter of the Emperor, Princess Sayako is reportedly getting married to Yoshiki Kuroda who works as an urban planner. Traditionally, members of the monarchy do not attend weddings of any female family member, but that appears to be changing as the Emperor and Empress plan to attend their daughter’s wedding this coming November. While they are planning to be guests at the wedding, as you would expect of any parent, one thing that still does not change is the stripping of Princess Sayako’s title. In Japan, the daughter of an emperor automatically becomes a commoner once she gets married!

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