Saturday, October 14, 2006

Wedding Etiquette for Guests

We all hear about the proper way to handle oneself in a social setting. But when one is invited as a guest to a wedding, anything can go wrong. So, on behalf of all wedding couples, here is a tip sheet outlining some "wedding guest etiquette." Why the list? Well, since by the time, you have the wedding, it is a little bit too late to get upset over the one guest who decided that she'd bring an extra set of friends without a formal invitation (i.e., wedding crashers). Let's prevent such annoyances from happening. Here it is:

1) Please send your RSVPs by the deadline that is set on the invitation. Don't just wait until the bride or groom make a follow-up call. It's a complete waste of time to be calling guests.

2) Make every effort to arrive at the ceremony and reception on time.

3) Don't just come to reception without attending the church ceremony unless there is a valid reason.

4) Please turn off your cellphone during the ceremony and try to avoid talking on the cellphone during the event.

5) When choosing proper wedding attire, please don't come in a black dress unless you are in mourning.

6) As for drinking, weddings can get a little wild with guests having one drink too many. Please know when enough is enough.

7) Please don't steal the linens during the reception.

8) When choosing a wedding gift, please no toasters.

9) Do not hoard the wedding cake and not finish it.

10) Please don't switch tables at the reception, since every guest was given an assigned seat based on a seating chart that was carefully planned out.

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