Sunday, August 21, 2005

Weekends that end too soon

Fridays come too slowly; Sundays end too quickly. Right around 7pm, that blue sinking feeling creeps up - beckoning that Monday doom is back. Although the weekend was filled with a bit of fun and excitement, it really just ends too soon. The fun and excitement I'm talking about was a small Japanese tea party at my bestfriend's birthday dinner. She had lived in Japan for a while and gave us some pretty neat party favors by putting together a small bunch of Japanese tea cookies paired with green tea packets, and placed everything in a box tied in a product called an organza wrap from, which offers some pretty unique wedding favors. Shelly is pretty creative and I must say that the wrap idea was quite a cool thing. Sigh, this is one weekend that I wished lasted longer.


- You can get them at Mitsuwa - a great Japanese grocery with branches also on the East Coast.


- You can get them online at Bellenza.

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