Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Yahoo Answers

I was browsing around the web and stumbled upon Yahoo Answers. Though there are some interesting questions and answers, I do wonder how valid or factual is the information being provided. I guess you can't always rely on one source to get your answers. This is probably why Yahoo has Ask Yahoo! for those questions that need reliable answers. I also like Yahooligans, which is something Google doesn't offer.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Fondant - Oui Oui

Fondant. Sounds like fondue, but sure doesn't taste the same. I didn't know what it was till I tried during cake tasting trip at a local bakery. One of the sample cakes was a small butter cream mocha icing with fondant. My first taste of it seemed like I was taking a spoonful of sugar. It was so sweet that the cake itself didn't even need the butter cream icing. While the fineness of the icing appeared like a pretty porcelain finish, the looks can be deceiving if you're not a fan of ultra sweet stuff. Though it's not my wedding, if given a choice, I'd rather choose buttercream as cake icing instead of fondant simply because I want to taste the cake without getting a sugar slap at the icing.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Google Notebook - nifty idea

I have decided to be a bit helpful for the coming wedding. In an effort to help them plan out the details, we've set up a Google Notebook. It's accessible from virtually anywhere and it allows you to achieve a virtually paperless desk. Okay, maybe not so paperless, but still worthy of saving a couple of trees and precious time. Since finding anything on the web using places like Google or yahoo has become a "needle in the haystack" activity, we decided to collect our findings and share them with the world. It's a work in progress so it may be in dire need of some organzation. Check the wedding notebook we started out!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Oh June!

June is right around the corner and so is it high time to go on a diet. If I want to make it the upcoming wedding without looking like a Krispy Kreme donut. For the most part, juggling work and excercise is a massive undertaking that requires a lifestyle change. I mean shift to be more exact. Likewise, I think the first place where I can start is by eating right. So, I'm now searching for better ways to manage my diet. That red strap dress might be a distance dream unless I seriously attack this problem.

Incidentally, a friend of mine said that people nowadays are giving out donuts as favors or as an alternative wedding cake for their wedding. Now, call me old-fashioned, or queer if you want to, but honestly, do you want your wedding to be remembered with a donut? Hmm. Oh yeah, I remember the rainbow sprinkled donut with chocolate - they were really special? Ok., I am not donut bashing. Heck, donuts are great with cofee, but at a wedding party?

Friday, May 19, 2006

Sew Away

This weekend will be spent learning how to sew. My first attempt at sewing will be attaching a button to my favorite shirt. Okay. It is act of desperation, but sooner or later we gotta learn how to sew. There is a great site that I came across, which covers all sorts of sewing projects. Whether you plan to make your own veil or sew a stuffed animal for a baby, it has lots of fun stuff to follow!

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Princess for Every Bride

While not every bride can be as glamorously dressed as Grace Kelly when she married Prince Rainier of Monaco, I think every now and then it is nice to be inspired by her grace and beauty. It is sure a far cry from where she was born in Philly!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Really amazing commerical

My Mom recently sent me an email that was forwarded to her by a cousin of hers. This is quite an amazing movie clip of a Honda commerical in the UK. Here is the clip uRL:


Monday, May 01, 2006

Probate gone awry

When an ex-stripper marries an old Texas oil billionaire, you'd think that the Supreme Court would have better sense, but times have certainly changed. It appears that the court may rule in her favor, thus allowing her a piece of the pie of her late husband's fortune. What a crazy world!